Friday, April 24, 2009

The Lord's Time

Last week in Relief Society, we were talking about how all things happen on the Lord's Time, not necessarily when we want things to happen. There were many comments about being impatient and not understanding why the Lord makes us wait, even when we have a righteous desire.

Then, a sister used this analogy:
We have all had moments when our own children want us to do something for and/or with them. They beg and plead and nag until you want to pull your hair out. You keep saying, "Just a minute." or "I'll be done in a second then I can help you." All the while, you are wondering why they can't just wait a second.

Well, Heavenly Father probably sees us in the same way. We are the impatient children and He is the parent wondering why we can't just wait a minute. We know that He will help us, but we want it know.

This conversation really brought into perspective for me that learning patients is a virtue that is necessary for our eternal progression.

Love to you all,