Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Preparation and Food Storage

So, today I don't actually have a quote to add but just a thought I have been having...

So much of the media keeps talking about the price of food and gas. They talk about all the people who can't afford to eat healthy food or must forgo buying meat and extras in order to make ends meet. Every time I hear this, the thought pops into my mind, if we all had our food storage, this would never be an issue. I know this is a simplistic way of looking at things, but the truth of the matter is that sometimes unexpected things happen. If we are not prepared than we will have to make hard choices: medicine or food? Mortgage payment or car payment?

I guess I just want to encourage everyone to work on their preparedness plans. Get you food supply in and have some savings. Be prepared for a rainy day.After all, we all know that it is going to rain at some point, so lets be prepared.

{HUGS} - Jeri

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