Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference

I just wanted to share a few of my favorite things from General Conference. Since most of the talks have not been published yet, I am going to just give you the note I jotted down. I know this is a really long post, but I just always feel do uplifted after conference.

President Thomas S. Monson:

  • This is our one and only chance at mortal life. Chances are brief and then they are gone. Find joy in the journey!
  • Rather than dwell on the past, focus on the here and now.
  • Don’t let stress get in the way of what is most important – the people around us. Let them know you love them. Don’t assume they know – tell them.
  • Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.
  • If you only had 25 words, what would you say to your family?

President Henry B Eyring:

  • Be humble. Pride is the enemy of unity. When in a disagreement, look for anything on which you agree.
  • Ask for help from God – then ACT!
  • God will help us see differences not as conflicts but as contributions.
  • We see each other with imperfect sight. So, speak well of each other.
  • You will have a feeling of peace and joy when you see others in a generous light.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

  • Women undervalue their abilities. We foci=us on the lacking instead of the accomplished.
  • Our personal is to seek and experience eternal happiness.
  • Those who bring sunshine to others cannot keep themselves from it.
  • Small acts of service are required to lift and bless others.
  • Words only require a loving heart but can be of eternal significance to others.
  • The number of prayers we answer may be more important than the number we say.

Elder Robert D. Hales:

  • Some are kept from the church only because they know not where to find it.
  • When challenged, seek guidance from the Spirit to find a correct response that invites the spirit.
  • Meekness is not weakness; it is the badge of Christian courage.
  • Do not confuse boldness with the Devil’s counterfeit – overbearance.
  • A heartfelt testimony is the most powerful answer.
  • Look for our own fault’s first. Ask, “Lord, is it I?”
  • Sometimes it is better to keep our distance and walk away. Stay on the high ground where there is light. Where there is safety.
  • Opposition will be a blessing to the Kingdom of God on Earth.
  • We are not better than others, but desire to show them a better way.

M. Russell Ballard:

  • God does not walk in crooked paths.
  • Missionary work is God’s work and will not be frustrated.
  • We are not asked to die a martyr’s death but live a disciple’s life.
  • Now is not the time for the spiritual faint of heart.

Russell M. Nelson:

  • In the Lord’s own way and time, no blessing will be withheld from faithful saints.
  • Happiness comes through earnest effort.
  • Minimize demands and maximize acts of selfless love.
  • Beware of option presented by the Adversary, which always lead to misery.

Sister Julie Beck:

  • Our home should be a refuge from the world. Nothing should interfere with family and church activities.
  • We need to seek, receive and heed personal revelation. With personal revelation we cannot fail.

From Sister Barbara Thompson:

  • We should help the needy close to home. There is no need to search for service opportunities.
  • Not only those that receive, but those that preach are edified.

Keith B McMullin:

  • Heavenly Father answers all sincere prayers.
  • Heavenly Father will comfort you and lead you through whatever storms you face.
  • If records were kept of prayers answered, the world could not contain all the pages.

William D. Oswald:

  • Pondering involves not only the head, but also the heart.
  • Teaching the gospel is a sacred and holy calling.

I am totally bummed that I have misplaced some of my notes from Saturday, so when I find them there will definitely be a “PART 2” to this post.

I hope you all found General Conference to be as rewarding and enlightening as I did. As I was listening I thought of all the people who were missing these divine words from a the Prophet and Apostles of the Lord. I wonder if when the Savior comes, we will be too busy/tired/uninterested to listen?

I love you all! Thanks for reading.

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