Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gifts for the Savior

As a leave my house each day, I drive by a little church with a marquee in front. Since last week, the sigh has said "Come to a Baby Shower for Jesus" and gives the date and time. When I first drove by I giggled and thought "I wonder what size I should bring?!" But then, the more I drove past the sign, the more I thought about the idea of what gift I would bring to the Savior.

During the Christmas Season, as we celebrate the Savior's birth, what is the gift we will bring him? What is a gift the He would wish to receive? How can I give him this gift?

I really don't have an answer yet. On Sunday, I am going to start making a list here on my blog for you to see. I would love to know your thoughts and ideas, too.

But, if nothing else, I hope this post helps you to remember the Savior and the gifts that he has given us during this Sacred Time of Year.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we have a special box that stays under our tree - on christmas eve, we each write down a gift for the Savior...typically something we're committed to changing/improving. it's one of the simplest but most meaningful traditions we have. xo, -melanie-